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Tots N Toys Curriculum

Tots N Toys curriculum is developed with the understanding that no single pedagogy is optimal for all ages, especially the preschoolers.

Our childcare curriculum foundation years is focused on getting toddlers to love learning, followed by a fast track of bilingual literacy, vocabulary and early language acquisition. The later part of the preschool years is focused on acquiring self-help problem solving ability so that our children can take up independent learning. This learning experience is coupled with a multitude of selected skill base enrichment programmes to provide a holistic acquisition of future ready skills.

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MOE Curriculum Framework

Aesthetics and Creative Expression

Children enjoy creative expression and should be given opportunities to explore their environment and indulge in creative play and self-expression through art and music and movement.

Motor Skills Development

Children's gross and fine motor skills develop over time and influence their physical fitness, agility and coordination. Children should be given ample space and time for physical play to develop their sense of balance, physical coordination and spatial awareness.

Discovery of the World

Children are naturally curious and their sense of wonder should be nurtured and sustained. They should be encouraged to observe, ask questions and make sense of the world around them.


Being numerate enables children to understand and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes effectively. Thus, children will be able to make sense of their encounters with mathematics in their daily lives.

Language and Literacy

Language and Literacy is important in children's overall through and learning development. Exposure to language-related activities such as role-playing, singing, rhyming and reading will develop their ability to listen with understanding and to communicate with others.

Social and Emotional Development

Effective social and emotional development instils healthy self-esteem in children. Children are taught to manage their feelings, thoughts and behaviour which will allow them to form strong and meaningful relationships later in life.

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