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Our Facilities and Equipment

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Natural Sun-Lighting

Our premises boast exceptional high ceilings with full height windows that render a naturally bright, unoppressive look to our spacious environment, which also brings about excellent air circulation for our children. This is a unique feature given that typical spaces slated for childcare uses are usually more catered for commercial or residential uses with a standard ceiling height.


Spacious layout of the classrooms and clever use of modular furniture enables our educators to also customise use of space at the snap of the fingertips, catering to the specific needs of the wide array of learning activities in a typical day.


Be it spacious running space for the development of gross motor skills, cosy snuggly feel that some of our children yearn for during quiet activities, or even massive home-school partnering events, we are glad we have the flexibility to cater to such needs.

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Outdoor Play Areas

Equipped with bright sturdy toys and equipment carefully selected for meaningful play to develop both cognitive and motor skills, our outdoor play areas are no doubt one of our children’s favourite places in the school, where social emotional skills are honed, friendships are forged.



Other than our all-time favourite sand and water play sessions, our children also have ample opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities during curriculum/enrichment time, where discovery and exploration are strongly encouraged to unlock curiosity in each and every child, in a safe and secure environment.



Do wave and say hi if you do see our little explorers and their nurturing teachers!

Minimal Office

Shower and Toilets

​Adopting professional advice, our shower room and toilets are well ventilated, and floors in these areas are laid with top end non-slip tiles with quality non-slip mats placed at strategic places which are scrubbed daily. These quality tiles reduced the reliance on massive areas of non-slip mats and thus circumvent growth of bacteria and mould associated with high humidity levels and the dirt/moisture that is often trapped in such wet mats.  


Child height toilet bowls, washing basins and wall mount dispensers are also carefully chosen to facilitate the ease of use of these fixtures. Such fixtures, together with easy access to the toilets, encourage our little ones to adopt toileting independency under the watchful eyes of our carers. 


 All designs and fixtures are installed in accordance with the stringent requirements of ECDA and the respective approving authorities.

Minimal Office

Clean Air and Environment

We invest in both hospital grade Honeywell air purifiers and  Xiaomi state-of-the art purifiers, using technology to help us build yet another protective barrier in addition to our daily cleaning routine using SureClean and Biocair products.


Not forgetting feeding materials that goes into the mouths of our little ones, they are sterilised using top-end UV Sterilisers and Dryer which gives all of us a peace of mind.


Other than keeping vulnerable children away from harmful bacteria and germs, we are also particular about selecting supplies that has an impact on the physical development of our children. Quality sleep and rest are key for a developing brain which is essential for a growing child. All our quality stack cots are imported from the USA. The sturdy frames and high end finishing promotes safe and restful sleep that contributes to the overall wellbeing of our children.

Seedlings in Pots

Green Thumb

At Tots N Toys, we aim to stretch each little mind in an authentic learning environment wherever possible. In addition to our scheduled excursions where children explore the world around them, our children are happy to explore a smaller ecosystem right at our doorstep – Tots N Toys Green Fingers Garden.  


In this cosy precious space of ours, our children and staff grow a wide variety of herbs, fruits and vegetables. Not only do our little ones get to identify up close different types of plants, plant parts and categories of plants, such acts of planting and tending to these little shoots to full grown plants are great teachable moments to inculcate beautiful values and virtues of being patient, gentle and kind.  


Do drop by and ask to taste our papayas grown in our backyard.

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